Monday, August 26, 2013

Eden is Restored

I was inspired after the service yesterday morning to write this . . .

Eden is Restored

Just go to the book of the beginnings
The writings of Genesis.
In there it says God created all things
And we are ultimately His.

It says we are made and blessed by God
And created in His very own image.
He breathed life from dust and sod
And now leads His creation on life's pilgrimage.

We were taken out of Eden
But Eden wasn't taken from our hearts.
It was because of the sins of men
That a life outside the Garden we must embark.

Satan tries to destroy us
And in Eden the woman he deceived.
He wants to entangle the world in sin and lust
But God's love in our hearts is strongly weaved. 

We have power to overcome the Devil's temptations
And a life of victory we can live.
We can make it through life's frustrations
Because at the cross God did ultimately forgive.

When Christ died that agonizing death
On the cross at Calvary.
Eden was restored in our hearts very depths
Because Christ our sins did carry.

Not only does Christ minister to our needs
But out of our hearts Living Water flows.
Our job is to serve and plant seeds
So the Kingdom of God grows.

Some give by going
Others go by giving.
Wherever the seed you are sowing,
Make the Kingdom work your main purpose for living.

We are the channel through Jesus to bring life
Out of us flows God's love.
We are to encourage others in Jesus Christ
As we serve our God above.

Eden is restored in our hearts
Through the agonizing death of Christ.
Let us on the Kingdom work embark
For the Maker of every life.

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