When I said "I do" just over two months ago -- my life changed forever. There has been so much joy & newness & change. Yes, there are challenges that come, and together we've faced many big and unexpected events, but God has always provided us with strength & direction & peace through these big things. I love being married. We have so much fun together. We laugh together. We cry together. We do life together, and I love it. There are no more long goodbyes -- something that I at times dreaded during our dating and engagement. But than there's the flipside, before I had goodbyes with Eric, but now I have goodbyes with my dear family. Those are hard. I miss them -- the people who have known me before anyone else knew me, the people who know all my goods and bads and still love me. The people that make my heart squeeze with such a deep love for them when I think of them. My family.
Last weekend Eric and I bought a car, one of those "big events" that came unexpectedly. We went to Kenora two different times last week, once for 2 long and exhausting days of car hunting (where God closed many doors to what we felt would have been "perfect" cars, but then opened the door to the right car). And then we went up last weekend to put the final payment on our car and to bring it home.
We left for home in two cars, our old car that we plan to sell and our "new" car. Dad stood at the end of the driveway with a big smile, waving goodbye. It brought back bittersweet memories. Before I was married, whether working a day shift or a night shift, he'd often start my car for me in the cold & tell me he hopes I have a good shift and that he loves me, & then he'd wave at me when I left for work. As I thought about these memories, I started crying, well actually, sobbing. I miss these times with my dad. Seeing him waving at me, this time as I was leaving for my new home, made me again realize how blessed I am to have such a wonderful father -- who always has time to listen, talk, take me on dates, play two-handed rook, start my car for me on cold, winter nights before work, and everything else in between. Even today, I know I can pick up my phone and call Dad with questions or just to talk because I miss him.
I think back through the years, those were wonderful years, but there were challenges too. Life wasn't perfect. I didn't always agree with Dad & Mom -- there were fun, happy times, but there were arguements too. But today, I see that through the hard times and easy times, my relationship with my parents grew stronger. They allowed me to find my way in life, to find myself, and to discover what I believed. They allowed me to question what they said at times and they allowed me to voice my anger & my tears of frustration and sadness. We talked, a lot. We discussed issues, we didn't shove them under the carpet. Because of their concern, their love, and them walking by me through the hard times and good times, and the freedom to discover what I believed, I am who I am today.
And so, I'm thankful for family. I'm thankful for parents who love me so much, for siblings that are my best friends, and for a husband who leads our home so well, is my best friend, and who fits into my family like the eighth piece to our puzzle. These past two months of my life have indeed been the best two months of my life -- but that doesn't mean that they haven't come with challenges and lonesomeness for my family. This life is not perfect, so I have seen in the past 22 years of my life, there are imperfections in life. But God is in the midst of this imperfect life I live, and He's perfect. And my perfect God is preparing a perfect home for me in eternity. Until I meet my God in glory, I will do life with my love, and soak up the moments that God chooses to place in my hands. God is good.
And I'll end this post with pictures of some of my favourite moments from the month of July.
we had a fun weekend with my family . . .
before nicole & natasha took off to PA . . .
and then, we had a visit from . . .
my cousin Davy & my sisters . . .
a drive home from Kenora, birds nesting . . .
[my husband could tell you the name, i forget :-)]
my husband . . . catching seagulls flying :-)
eating my bread crumbs.
a baby seagull
standing still while i captured the picture . . .
"bird island" my husband calls it . . .
he snapped more pictures as . . .
. . . his wife fished.
the only thing i caught was ROCKS -- !!
and my man faithfully swam in and unhooked them . . .
a number of times :-)
a duck family . . .
i had fun grabbing a few shots.
and the sun sets to a perfect evening . . .
of our two month anniversary . . .
celebrated with a date, fishing, and talking by the river . . .
i love this man!
beautiful flowers . . .
growing freely in our yard . . .
fresh strawberries . . .
my dear friends picked for me.
and than it was camping by lake superior --
with the byler family . . .
it was a HOT drive . . .
so eric stopped and we picked some flowers to cool off . . .
in the breeze ;-)
my very dear friend . . .
and sister-in-law . . .
kayaking to water caves . . .
on lake superior.
i loved swimming . . .
in lake superior!
and then . . .
back to our home life . . .
we make the most of these warm, summer days . . .
with picnics and swims at the beach . . .
kayla was here for a few days . . .
we had a lovely, elegant breakfast at a friends . . .
Martha Gerber . . .
one late night . . .
we got the brilliant idea . . .
to make soft pretzels!
my husband's a pro ;-)
up to kenora last weekend . . .
a bird that flew into the window . . .
reviving itself :-)
we went blueberry picking . . .
came home hotter than hot :-)
so we all jumped in the lake . . .
and than cleaned the berries.
then we made supper on the campfire . . .
Kip's amazing veggie & chicken stirfry . . .
along with Eric's frybread . . .
and dad's yummy, juicy burgers . . .
made the best bannock burgers!
our car we purchased . . .
so so thankful God directed us there!!
it was an answer to prayer.
my handsome man!!
set up tent :-)
cause see, the parents had the idea . . .
to camp in the backyard :-)
it was so much fun!!!
Mark & Bri came out for the night . . .
dad's freshly ground coffee always hits the spot!
eddie . . .
who aunt mary says has so much personality :-)
which is true!!
and then, the last minute decision . . .
for some of the schnupp family to come out . . .
and have a sunday morning church service . . .
on our back deck . . .
we all scurried around . . .
to make a delish meal :-)
i love these people . . .
and i'm excited for the new bebe cousin . . .
in a few months!!
and then, i picked up nicole & natasha . . .
and they're here for a few days . . .
we had a bbq supper on the deck last night . . .
and swam in the lake :-)
And that's a quick-blurb of my july . . . it's been a busy month (and here we thought we could somehow have a non-busy summer :-)). But it's been good.
Have a wonderful day, my friends!
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