Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Weekend . . .

I was NOT supposed to be with all these wonderful people this weekend . . .

Instead I was supposed to be working two twelve-hour day shifts and two nights . . .

But my schedule changed -- and I worked during the week instead of the weekend . . .

So I got to be there most of the weekend after-all -- !!

I showed up late-ish Friday night, after a day shift . . .

I was tired, and fought to stay awake on those roads to Dryden.

An extra large coffee didn't do it . . .

So I had to crank the cold air and the tunes, and freeze, but it kept me decently awake . . 

I was supposed to work a shift tonight . . .

But low and behold, guess what got a hold of me?!

Stress's worst killer -- sickness!

And so -- I called in sick . . .

And instead, get to fight of this little bugger at home with Tylenol, tea, and hot soup . . .

But the weekend -- it was grand!

Between some wild broomball games, tubing, many games of Dutch Blitz, singing around the indoor campfire, lots of good food, laughter, talking, stories, sleep [little for some people], fooseball, pingpong, coffee, tea, and just good times all around, I would say it went down in history as a grand time! If I hadn't started feeling sick . . . it would have been better on my part! But I still enjoyed it. And since pictures speak a thousand words, I shall leave you with them! 

A hand slapping game -- greatly entertaining :]

The Blitzers

Story-time with Dawson :]

 I caught Monica with her weekend's addiction!

Coffee kept us sane!

Some grand games of broomball!
[don't ask to look at my knees -- they suffered the worst end of the deal]

Yes--the snow was coming down as heavy as it looks!

The Pops and I :]

Hanging out with beautiful Teresa!

Love these ladies!

 Doyle keeping them in great awe with his magic tricks!

 Mark's grand plan of video-taking while tubing!
[and yes, the camera survived surprisingly!]

He schemed us to hop aboard and *scream* for the video :]

Entertaining ourselves with *childish* things :]

Hi Mark! Yes, we see you :]

And I come home to this wonderful surprise from a great friend!

Yes -- it was a weekend to go down in history with all it's grand times !! I thank God for wonderful friends!

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