Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Winter-y Fun!

 The Handsome brother -- waiting for the big one :]

 A win? Quite possibly :-)

 Someone is looking overly happy --!! Eh, Natasha?

My luck -- of course!

 Nicole . . . waited . . . and jigged . . .

 And shows evidence of "one" of her many!

 The sun set and the moon rose -- on Lake of the Woods . . .

 A grand Skype call with the cousins later on :-)
[well, Amy and I were interrupted by our siblings -- so it turned into a mass talk:)]

 And a few fish . . . as evidence :}

 A new day . . . more fishing fun . . .

 We attempted a picture -- and laughed at the outcome!

 Come on pops -- catch that BIG one!

 I think I enjoyed the warm sun kissing my cheeks -- 
more than the ice-fishing itself!

 waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting . . .

 I love the drifts of snow! 

. . . and the ice glistening in the sun . . .

. . .This amazing guy took me out today to celebrate . . . 
. . . me being done my last college semester
. . . and him being done high school-- !! :)

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