Monday, April 08, 2013

He Knows JUST What I Need!

Quite a few years ago I remember my aunt speaking to a group of ladies - - and she quoted the song "My Jesus Knows Just What I Need . . . " I had heard the song a few times before, but the words never stood out to me  quite as much as they did that day . . . But I remember going away that day with the song playing in my head - - and it hit me, my Jesus really DOES know just what I need . . .

     My Jesus knows when I am lonely;
     He knows each pain;
     He sees each tear.
     He understands each lonely heartache,
     He understands, and always cares.

     My Jesus knows just what I need,
     Oh yes He knows just what I need.
     He satisfies, and every need supplies,
     Yes He knows just what I need.

     My Jesus knows when I am burdened,
     He knows how much my heart can bear.
     He lifts me up when I am sinking,
     He brings me joy beyond compare.

     When other friends seem to forget me,
     When skies are dark, when hope seems gone.
     By faith I feel His arms about me,
     And hear Him say, "You're not alone."

Recently again, I've been reminded over and over, my Jesus knows exactly what I need. He doesn't just take a guess, or a general estimate of what my needs might be, He knows! And just like the words to this song hit me so many years ago, they have really hit me again recently. 

Isn't it absolutely amazing to know that each and every time you are lonely, each and every pain you bear, each and every tear that falls, and each and every lonely heartache you've had, Jesus knows about, He understands, and He cares! And best of all, He knows how much your heart really can bear . . . And He will never ever, ever put you through more than your heart can take! Again, that is soo-o amazing to me - - and I can only stand in awe of the awesome God I serve!

In my devotions this morning, a number of verses I read talked about the redemption we gain through the grace of God . . . some of the verses that stood out to me the most are:

     Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption
     that is in Jesus Christ - - Romans 3:24.

     In whom we have redemption through His blood, the 
     forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace - - 
     Ephesians 1:7.

     But where sin abounded, grace did so much more abound - -
     Romans 5:20.

     My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made 
     perfect in weakness - - II Corinthians 12:9.

Again, these verses make me realize, "My Jesus Knows Just What I Need . . . " This may be taking those words to a little different angle - - but today it really stood out to me: God knows just what we need, and because of that, His GRACE is made sufficient in our weakness . . . and wherever sin abounds, God's grace abounds even more! Isn't that amazing? In our weakest and hardest times - - even then he knows exactly what we need . . . and not only does He know, but He provides our needs, and His grace is made sufficient!

And so, I leave you with these words: Jesus knows exactly what you need, each day, each hour, each minute, and each second . . . and never will He put your heart through more than you can bear! During those hardest, weakest moments in life, His grace is made sufficient for you . . . and through His grace, redemption wins!

Yes, my Jesus knows JUST what I need!

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