Friday, April 19, 2013

just because

maybe . . . i should write another post :] just because.

sometimes i think that life is just flying by! it's crazy. nearly two years ago i started my nursing program. and now i have only two more shifts -- and i finish my final part of the program -- my placement at the hospital . . . in less than a month i write my nursing registration exam . . . june 18th is the day booked for me to officially graduate. i don't know if it's fully sunk in yet -- i'm just about done! DONE! ahh, yes :]

what else is happening in my life? don't get me started on the weather! i love winter . . . but now? it's spring. or so the calender tells me . . . the weather outside tells me otherwise. the snow is still piled up high -- and coming! the lake is still drive-able with a vehicle -- and i'm telling you -- last year even before this time we were "crazy" and jumped in the lake for a quick [and COLD] dip. and it's still freezing out! where's the sun and the warmth? ahh!

so often it feels like i just do the motions of life . . . without really thinking. i work crazy hours, crazy shifts . . . i come home. sleep. eat. and work again . . . or if i don't have a shift scheduled. i'm always running downtown for something . . . or travelling who knows where . . . or catching up on all the things at home that fall behind cause of my crazy life . . . one of these days i needa just slow down -- and breathe -- and think -- and actually live :] one of these days . . .

i think my coffee is about the only thing that keeps me alive and sane :] yes, i'm maybe just maybe *almost* addicted to that stuff . . . most of my friends would probably erase the *almost* and say i'm absolutely addicted . . . but well, i CAN live without if i need to -- so maybe i'm not quite at the point of being addicted, huh? :]

and really -- what more can i say about my life? semester work is done . . . exam studying still happens . . . placement is almost done . . . and then i have some much needed weeks off! some travelling will happen :] which makes me happy! and that's it . . . 

i'm busy . . . but it's all good . . . some people tell me i'm too busy -- and i gotta slow down some . . . i tell them i would if i could -- but it can't be helped :] so i go with the motions -- enjoy life for what it's worth -- and count down the days til i'm officially a nurse -- and away with all this college stuff!

until next time.

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