That doesn't mean I still won't have an online elective that goes until the end of April, nor a final college comprehensive in March, nor my final provincial nursing exam in May. Because I do have all those -- I'll worry about that when the time comes :] For now I'll be thankful that my semester work is just about finished! But it's the [just about] that "gets" me -- I'm still gonna need to figure out how to survive these next few weeks -- but I'm sure I will :-) Not necessarily looking FORWARD to it -- but I'll live!
By now you are probably wondering why in the world I'm taking time to write a blog post when I have so many exams to study for. Well -- it goes like this - I'm doing my favorite thing -- procrastination. A blog post seems like a productive work of art -- that does not involve school and my poor, exhausted, tired brain to be put to work. And let's see what other kind of excuses I can come up with? Well -- it's family day - so maybe I don't need to study [quite] all day -- !! Okay, that's not convincing me! I know I still need to study -- but I'll finish this post for y'all first :}
I had a grand weekend. Played some volleyball, games, and hung out with friends! Now we are getting dumped on with snow! Which I'm telling you, it wasn't very pleasant driving home from Dryden in this stuff. But that's when one is glad for a brother to do the driving -- and one can try and study :] *notice the word try* I did try -- and I did get some done -- but too much talking went on - and freaking out as crazy trucks were doing crazy moves on crazy roads in crazy weather! And have I said crazy enough?
I was challenged by the message in Church yesterday -- talking about God's Will - based out of I Chronicles 28:20 -- being strong and of good courage, fearing not nor being dismayed, for God is with us, and He will not fail or forsake us. Isn't that amazing? I do serve an awesome God! The speaker said, "Life happens -- and with it may bring discouragement and fear and dismay. How can we be strong? How can we show courage? What is it in your life that has you discouraged? Fearful? Dismayed? Are you fearful of the outcome? God is with us to give us courage -- to do it. Stand up, be strong, and DO IT! God will not fail us and will give us the resources and tools we need to accomplish His will." Again, all I can say is, I serve an awesome God!
So I shall bring this to an end -- and maybe go be *productive* again and do some studying :] I'll leave you with a poem a friend posted on Facebook -- which speaks I'm sure into everyone's life!
Our Father knows what's best for us
So why should be complain?
We always want the sunshine,
But we know there must be rain.
We love the sound of laughter,
And the merriment of cheer --
But our hearts would lose their tenderness,
If we never shed a tear.
Our Father tests us often,
With suffering and with sorrow.
He tests us not to punish us,
But to help us meet tomorrow.
For growing trees are strengthened,
When they withstand the storm.
And the sharp cut of the chisel,
Gives the marble grace and form.
God never hurts us needlessly,
And He never wastes our pain.
For every loss He sends to us is followed by rich gain.
And when we count the blessings,
That God has so freely sent.
We will find no cause for murmuring and no time to
For our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain.
So He never sends us pleasures,
When the soul's deep need is pain . . .
So whenever we are troubled,
And when everything goes wrong.
It is just God working in us,
To make our Spirit strong.
-- Helen Steiner Rice
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